The significance of factoring in the activities of the company

  • Olga Jando Cracow University of Economics


The aim of the article is to present the essence of factoring, its entities, functions and the main advantages and disadvantages in the context of its importance in activities of a company. Raised issues concern on the origins and the definition of factoring, entities and subject of factoring agreement and its nature. Thanks to this article, the reader will be able to become acquainted with basic roles that can be played by factoring and study its numerous types created over time in response to the growing demand of entrepreneurs. Some important business issues were also raised: the cost of factoring agreement, the basic criteria that should be followed during the factor selection process and the advantages and disadvantages of factoring. A multitude of issues and their complexity shows how many important issues must be taken into account by the company which elects to this form of financing their activities. In fact, factoring may be a chance to improve financial liquidity. However, it is important to remember that factoring agreement should be well suited to the needs of a specific company, which in itself is an individual. The factoring implementation should be preceded by a thorough analysis of the company.


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