Engagement of stakeholders based on CSR SA8000:2014 approach
The objective of the article is to analyze the usability of the SA8000:2014 standard from the point of viewof stakeholder engagement with regard to CSR issues. The article is preliminary research. To achieve the
research objective a literature study based on conceptual analysis approach was undertaken.
According to the creators of the SA standard, the purpose of engaging an organization in the dialogue
with its stakeholders is to increase its value, drive innovation, improve risk management, anticipate trends,
and strengthen its competitive position. While SA8000:2014 approach does not define specific levels of re-
sponsibility for CSR enterprises, it defines management systems that provide the desired process or activities
relevant to the management objective, among others including the perspective of stakeholder engagement
strategies and social dialogue.
The analysis of SA 8000:2014 interdependence of CSR issues and stakeholder engagement could be
treated as a base for comparison of similar issues in other CSR standards. This in turn may allow for better
selection of the standard to the needs of business practice from the point of view of the issues discussed.
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