E-commerce market in Poland, specificity and development perspective

  • Klaudia Czajkowska Cracow University of Economics


The Internet and information technology are playing a major role in all aspects of human life. Due to ac-celerating development of these sectors, e-commerce market has gained importance. The beginnings of its existence took place in the 60's of last century when huge concerns  and industrial corporations began the creation of  IT networks, which were supposed to support  the exchange of information between business partners. Nowadays the use of this type of trade is a necessary step for companies. It is a form of selling, which is growing rapidly, as evidenced by increasing value of revenues in this market.
The purpose of this paper is to present how e-commerce develops in Poland. Author shows the details and specific of functioning models in electronic business, such as markets and auctions. Writer devotes a separate chapter in which explains what are these two elements are and introduces the actual data. Is the rapid growth of e-commerce in Poland will continue and is it going to catch-up with the world leaders? At the end of the article an author has highlighted the main conclusions and attempted to determine the future direction of the market for e-commerce.


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